
Get Started in the Community

Be a part of the community

This community is all about answering WellSky Home Health and Hospice product and service questions. You can give and get technical help as well as discuss agency best practices and industry news. Along the way, you’ll meet other WellSky users from all walks of life.

Find answers and ask new questions

Have a question? Use the search bar to locate discussions that might provide an answer.

Can’t find what you need? Ask your question by clicking the New Discussion button and posting it so other folks can take a look and get back to you.

Promote helpful content

Did you get a response or find a post that is particularly helpful? Let everyone know by clicking Helpful or Agree.

The person who made that post will get some points, and you’ll be helping to make that content more visible to other folks who have the same or similar questions. Posts with 5 or more points end up on the “Best of” page where they are easily accessible to others who might benefit from the information.

Build your reputation

Earn points and win badges by posting questions, answers, and comments or by responding to others’ content. Others can give you points by liking or marking your content as helpful! Points and badges are your reward for being an awesome community member. Other forum goers who see your badges will know just how knowledgeable and reputable you are.

In addition, to badges, the more points you earn, the higher your rank! You can earn up to 5 ranks:

  • Newcomer: This one’s granted automatically when you become a community member.

  • Rising Participant: You earn this one after you reach 50 points.

  • Local Leader: You earn this one after you reach 100 points. At this point, you can add a customized signature to all of your posts!

  • Honored Patron: You earn this one after you reach 500 points.

  • Resident Expert: Whoa, 1000 points! Your expertise and rank entitle you to participate in some closed Product and Community discussions.

Organize your content

Have you found a great thread you’d like to reference later? Bookmark it by clicking the star icon.

Later, you can easily access all bookmarked content from the upper, right-hand corner of the screen by clicking the star icon again.

You can also choose to get notifications when other community members comment on those bookmarked discussions. Just click the gear icon in the upper, right-hand corner and click Edit Profile > Notification Preferences. Then, you can edit all of your notification settings to suit your needs.

Additional support options

Kinnser Support Communities can be a great way to get answers to your questions, but sometimes you just can’t wait for an answer from the community. In that case, Kinnser offers other help and support solutions:

  • WellSky Home Health and Hospice Online Help: We offer hundreds of how-to and reference articles and videos in Online Help, so you may be able to find just what you need there with a simple search. From your application, just click Need Help? and Access Online Help to go to the homepage.

  • WellSky Home Health and Hospice Support Team: Call the Support Team at (877) 399-6538 or email them at support@kinnser.com to get individualized assistance from a Support representative.

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